2025 State of the District

Vision and Mission
Vision: We envision 6,000+ Thinkers. Thinking is foundational to the development of self and society. It is the cornerstone of all creative ideas and problem-solving, new scientific discoveries, new products and services, individual and organizational learning, education, business success, interpersonal and intrapersonal communications, all social change, and even democracy itself. Our vision is what we see. It motivates us. Our vision is audacious.
Mission: Our mission is to engage, educate, and empower. We will strive to engage all students in the importance and relevance of thinking; to educate every learner to communicate, comprehend, and collaborate for understanding; and to empower all in the ICSD to achieve academic excellence.
Board of Education Goals
Culture of Excellence: To foster an affirming and respectful culture of excellence where all students maximize their potential and where we as a community of educators take responsibility for the success of each student.
Equity: To produce academic achievement for ALL students by removing race, class, gender, and disability as predictors of academic success.
Communication: To enhance district, family, and community communication and dialogue.
Learning Forward ICSD
Learning Forward ICSD is the Ithaca City School District’s multi-year approach to academic and social-emotional learning. Our commitment—to reverse the legacy of racism and establish communities built on love and joy—is centered around four key tenets:
Anti-Racist Curriculum for All
Students as Partners and Leaders
Educator Identity Work
Structures of Support
NYSED Accountability Status
New York State is committed to ensuring that all students succeed and thrive in school no matter who they are, where they live, where they go to school, or where they come from. In alignment with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the New York State Education Department (NYSED) has developed a set of indicators to measure school performance: student academic achievement, progress of English Language Learners, chronic absenteeism, and, for high schools, graduation rates.
Year-Round Budget Planning
Budgets reflect the amount of funding we think we need to operate the district for the following year. Every budget is built in collaboration with principals, directors, and other stakeholders throughout the year, balancing the needs of our community while upholding our commitment to high-quality education for all.
2023-24 v. 2022-23 Data Snapshot

Click to enlarge
Enrollment and Demographics
Culture of Excellence
Board of Education Goal: To foster an affirming and respectful culture of excellence where all students maximize their potential and where we as a community of educators take responsibility for the success of each student.
Board of Education Goal: To produce academic achievement for ALL students by removing race, class, gender, and disability as predictors of academic success.
Board of Education Goal: To enhance district, family, and community communication and dialogue.
NYSED Accountability Status
New York State is committed to ensuring that all students succeed and thrive in school no matter who they are, where they live, where they go to school, or where they come from. In alignment with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the New York State Education Department (NYSED) has developed a set of indicators to measure school performance: student academic achievement, progress of English Language Learners, chronic absenteeism, and, for high schools, graduation rates.
Every year, schools earn a score for each indicator for all students and designated student groups (members of racial and ethnic groups, low-income students, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners). These scores are then ranked across all schools within the state, and schools are assigned a level from 1 to 4 for each indicator based on where they fall in the rankings.
Rank | Performance Level |
0-10% Statewide | 1 |
10.1-50% Statewide | 2 |
50.1-75% Statewide | 3 |
Greater than 75% Statewide | 4 |