Professional Development

Mary Grover
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
(607) 342-8748
Sharon Warren
Account Clerk Typist, Frontline (MLP) Support
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy Micro-Credential Series
Winter 2025 Workshop Series: Identity
January 7 - March 11
Tuesdays | 4-5:30 p.m. | ICSD Board Room
Strand #1: Identity will lead participants through activities and discussions that will help them learn how a person's identity develops and influences their classroom choices. The anchor text, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Dr. Beverly Tatum, will be provided.
Engagement: Participants in Strand #1 will engage in 8, 90-minute sessions over 8-10 weeks (the 8 sessions combined may be referred to as “the workshop” for Strand # 1). Sessions will be conducted in a book-study format led by ICSD teacher facilitators. Participants will be expected to read and reflect between sessions in preparation for each subsequent session.
Performance-Based Task: After the workshop (8 sessions), participants may choose to engage in a paneled presentation to demonstrate their learning and growth. There is no prescribed format for the presentation so long as participants adequately show their learning and meet the standards of the rubric provided during the workshop (e.g., slide presentation, blog, podcast, facilitated discussion).
How Do I Participate in PD?
Check out this infographic to learn more about how to participate in district-sponsored and outside-the-district professional development.
Frontline Professional Growth
Frontline PG (MLP)
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